Sunday, April 12, 2009

Accessorize why don't we...
I wanted to add to my last post on accessorizing. The thing is, we don't see enough men accessorizing. And I'm not saying that we should all start wearing rings on our fingers, or run out and get our ears pierced (which unfortunately to many men do). But why are we are so afraid to add a little extra to our day-to-day look? Do we have to walk around looking like our mom dressed us?

Think about adding a little color to your week.
[IMGP8262.JPG] [IMGP6559.JPG]
Why not add some color to your scarf or jacket?

It's actually very simple to complete you attire. Just adding a hat can revamp a simple classic, or wearing colored socks can add spice to your suit. Even a nice watch or pocket hankie can mean the difference between a professional or a slob. But remember, a baseball cap is not an adequate hat, and white sock should never be used unless you are planning to exercise.

[IMGP5025.JPG] [IMGP9697.JPG]
Even just switching out your regular tie for a bow tie is enough to set you apart. You might even try using a collar clip instead of a tie bar. Let's just say that the possibilities are endless.

A quick "Don't" to keep you on your toes, or of your crocks if you will.
This is not what I mean when I speak of colored socks. He's a chef, so he should know that there is such a thing as too much spice to a dish!

Remember, although you might not care what you look like. There are some of us that do, and we have to look at you!

image source


zuLLicious! said...

I do add some splash on my outfit. like bag, shoes and sometimes i put on my scarf on.

But at my country here, Malaysia. Not much men dare to do it, unless you're Fashion Student or something.

I always think like what you said here,
"Remember, although you might not care what you look like. There are some of us that do, and we have to look at you!"

i just love your blog!!!

c ya!

The Foreigner said...

Thank you so much for our comments. I'm glad to hear that you are daring to venture in a country that might not be as fashion forward. I know the feeling of of not having access to good fashion. I'm currently working in Utah, which is very dull in its fashion sense;)

Great hearing form you, and stay in touch.

zuLLicious! said...


your blog is my daily booster! even i suggest other friend to read it!

well, i'm kinda flamboyant when it comes to fashion. i dun mind toting my bag everywhere. I'm working in stockbroking company and the dress code is Formal. Kinda bored, but sumtimes i do wear something bright. Just to add on some colour in the office. Haha;)!

Oh ya, hw do i address you? I'm ZUL.

hope to hear frm you soon!