Sunday, April 5, 2009

To new beginigs...

I wanted my first post to be memorable. I wanted it to be all that a fashion blog should be; and include not only the things that inspire my sense of style, but my sense of being. I wanted the post to reflect my personality. To reflect how I feel when I see the perfect tailored suit on someone, or how I feel when someone wears tennis socks with their dress shoes. However, while I write this I realize that I can't promise such grammatical illustration from this post, or the posts to come. Not because I don't want to, but because I'm not that kind of writer. But I can do the next best thing. I can show you through the lens of photography.

Using the conduit that is my Leica, as well as the World Wide Web, I will work to bring you the fashion "do's and dont's" that surround me.

Think Forward...It's Fashion Forward

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